Gorrell Elementary School

Gorrell Elementary School

Gorrell Elementary School Administration

2420 Schuler Ave NW
Massillon, Ohio 44647

Phone: 330-830-3905
Fax: 330-830-6533

Alyssia Kappas

Our Administration

Principal: Alyssia Kappas (akappas@massillonschools.org)

Ms. Kappas has been Principal at Gorrell Elementary since 2014. She aims to increase student success through student writing and making connections between home and school.

Administrative Assistant

Secretary: Dodie Muntean


You must report your child off if he/she is absent for any reason. The call off line is 330-830-SICK (7425). You may call this line any hour of the day.

Tardies/Early Dismissal

Your child will be marked tardy if they arrives at school from 9:05-10:05.  Also, please send a note to your child's teacher if your child is leaving early. Anyone leaving after 2:40 p.m. is counted as an "early dismissal". If your child arrives between 10:05-2:40 will be counted as a 1/2 day absence.