Whittier Guidance Department
School Counselor
Phone: 330-830-3904 ext. 54116
Elementary Counselor
Amy Brahler
WELCOME BACK Whittier Families!
I am looking forward to another great year at Whittier and guess what? I will now be just at Whittier, all day, every day!
Remember parents, I am here not only for your child(ren), but for you as well. Please feel free to contact me at any time, about anything; our conversations are kept confidential.
If you are in need of food, school supplies, or other needs, If I can't supply it, I can point you in the right direction. Please reach me at 330-830-3904, ext. 54116 or email at abrahler@massillonschools.org
Our School Counselors are dedicated to the students at our Elementary Schools. Recently, we have teamed up with the Hunger Task Force in Stark Co. to provide bags of food for students over the weekend. These food bags go home on Friday afternoons and provide a breakfast, lunch, and dinner for Saturday and Sunday.