4th Grade Field Trip to Players Guild Willy Wonka - Payment due February 7
Click link for info:
Parent-Teacher Conferences (by appointment only)
February 11 and February 13
Please click on link to sign up:
Please see the flyer for into - open to boys and girls ages 7-14.
Congratulations to our January Tigers of the Month!
PAWS PTO Cookie Day is coming up! See flier for info on how to donate!
Tiger Strong T-Shirt Sale!
Show your support and help keep our students "Tiger Strong" by rocking these awesome tees! This is more than just a shirt—it's part of our PBIS initiative to encourage students to stay in the game and attend school consistently.
All proceeds go directly back to our students, funding exciting incentives that reward their commitment to learning!
Order Deadline: November 18th
Click the link below to order!
Veterans are invited to join us at the MIS Veterans Day Program on Wednesday, November 6 from 8:30-9:45am in the cafeteria. Please click the link below to RSVP.
Boys and Girls Club Basketball and Wrestling info for grades 4-6
PTO Catalog Fundraiser Item Pickup is Thursday, October 17 @ MMS Cafeteria from 5:00-8:00pm. Thank you so much for your support!
Monthly PAWS PTO meeting - Monday, October 14 @ 5:30pm. This meeting is VIRTUAL. Use this link to join the Google Meet: meet.google.com/pqx-raov-thu
MMS Fall Picture Day is Thursday, September 19. Students received paper order forms, but you can also order online.
September is Attendance Awareness Month, nationally. Our district PBIS team is promoting this movement within our district next week: September 16-20. Spirit Days are attached. Students will also be entered to win prizes for each day they are present this week!
Our PTO catalog fundraiser begins today! Students received an order packet and attended a kickoff assembly today. Students can win cash prizes and a ride in a limo to lunch! The fundraiser ends Sept. 12. Items can be picked up at MMS on Oct. 17 from 5-8pm (parent teacher conferences night). Thank you for your support - all money raised will support student field trips and rewards.
Girls on the Run registration is open! Any girl in 4th or 5th grade is invited to join.
Program starts the week of September 16th
Program will end the week of November 4th
5k/Celebration will be held on November 9th at Jackson North Park
Practices will be held on Tuesday/Thursday 3:15-4:45pm at MIS
Check out our latest district PBIS newsletter:
Please join us IN PERSON for our last PTO meeting of the 2023-24 school year. Monday, June 10 at 5pm in the MMS Library. Enter using Door 31 (MIS). We will have officer elections at this meeting and will preview the 2024-25 school year events. We need your help to make this a great year for our students! See attachment for agenda. Hope to see you there!
The Legacy Project of Stark is gearing up for the 24-25 school year here in the Massillon City School District. Mentors from the community come in to be with, support, and encourage our amazing students throughout the year. If you would like to join the mentoring team and volunteer an hour of your time each week, please sign-up at https://lpstark.org/apply-to-mentor/. Come be a positive part of the students’ day here at school! Go TIGERS!
Congratulations to our Kids of Character for May! They will be featured in the Repository newspaper this month!
Any 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students interested in Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts: Representatives will be coming to talk with us during lunch on Monday. An evening meeting for interested students/parents will be held at MIS on Wednesday 5/15 from 6-7pm.
PTO is selling wooden roses and Massillon keychains for $1 each during lunch mods this week, next week, and the week of May 6 on Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays. These make great gifts for Mothers Day, Fathers Day, or any occasion!