October 12, 2022
MIS wants to congratulate Trenton and Madison for their selection to the Repository's Kids of Character for October! #GBED
October 12, 2022
PAWs PTO is selling raffle tickets for an Oculus! Each ticket is $10.00 and can be purchased (1) at our upcoming Full Moon Fest on October 27th or (2) at the school. Tickets can b...
October 12, 2022
MIS celebrated our new students for first quarter. We are excited for them to be here! Special shout out to Mrs. Fogle, Mrs. Hose, and Ms. Rohr for organizing the celebration! GBE...
September 30, 2022
Congratulations to our October Tigers of the Month! Students chosen for Tigers of the Month earn a yard sign, certificate, and personal pizza! 4th Grade Noah Smith, Sydney P...
September 28, 2022
Parents and Guardians, We invite you to participate in our fall parent-teacher conferences at Massillon Intermediate School. This year all conferences will be held in person. To ...
September 15, 2022
Relationships matter! It is awesome to see students and teachers celebrating birthdays together at MIS! GBED!
September 7, 2022
Parents: Check out our 4th Orientation video https:// youtu.be/rVHA6aRWqE0 and the picture of our 4th grade visit to the Massillon Public Library! Visits occur throughout the ye...
September 6, 2022
Need cookies, cheesecake, muffins, snacks and/or other food items? Check out our fundraiser to cater your fall event. Money is spent directly in student incentives, trips, and goo...
September 6, 2022
PAWS PTO is the Parent-Teacher Organization that supports MIS and MJHS.
Monthly meetings are open to all parents. Please join us! Meetings are held in the MMS Media Center a...
September 6, 2022
Providing opportunities for our Tigers is a goal for MIS. As such, MIS is partnering again with Girls on the Run for fourth and fifth grade girls! Our practice days are Mondays a...
August 30, 2022
Hi! Attached is information for picture day. Your child will be bringing home picture order forms! Thanks!
August 25, 2022
Students ready to learn and end week two strong at MIS! Look at these smiling faces! #MMSGBED
August 17, 2022
MIS families and students: We are getting ready for the first day, are you? Please (1) charge your Chromebooks, (2) bring your fully charged Chromebook in their carrying cases to ...
August 8, 2022
Hello! We are excited to welcome 4th graders to MIS. Please click the link to view a Slides presentation detailing more information about our AWESOME school: 4th grade Orientation...
August 4, 2022
2022-23 MIS/MJHS Bus Updates: This year we will be posting transportation information on the Massillon City Schools website again and using our VersaTrans MyStop app for parents ...
March 8, 2022
Picture day is March 9th! Use the Picture Day ID to order.
March 7, 2022
All three Massillon teams representing MIS & MJHS did very well in the Stark County Mathematics Competition this past Saturday! Thank you and great job to our three coaches; Pam M...
February 15, 2022
Check out the fun during Valentine's Day at MIS!